With the first real frosts and wintry storms sweeping across the country I thought I’d take a step back to reflect on what a colourful autumn it was. I am not sure whether it is because I have had more time to notice this year but the colours seem to have been intensified and lasted longer this time round. I have particularly enjoyed walking round the local woods where I am forever trying to get a good shot of the paths that weave the way through. These are some of my favourite shots.
Autumn has also provided some great sunrises and sunsets. With the intense colours these often provide it’s all a matter of being out and about at the right time!

Wildlife sightings have been fairly low key with the highlights being a distant sighting of an Otter, close up views of a splendid male Sparrowhawk tucking into a Collared Dove.
One early morning dog walk provided a distant Barn owl on the outskirts of the village, I haven’t seen one of these ghostly looking birds for a while and it always gives me a buzz to watch them silently quartering over the local fields. Our winter visitors are here in good numbers with lots of Redwings and Fieldfares around the village and flocks of Geese flying overheard. There also seems to be an abundance of Pheasants around at the moment.
Further afield on rare jaunt out in the car I also came across a Snow bunting – a first for me!
Let’s see what winter brings, who knows maybe a Waxwing or two!